Everything Country Outdoor Market (ECOM) is a biannual sale held entirely outdoors on our 160 acre farm. Today, each ECOM sale hosts 300+ local vendors with all things handmade as well as a variety of baked treats, snacks and food trucks.
The idea for ECOM stemmed from a long held desire to host an animal auction, combined with a love of everything handmade and remade. ECOM is directed at handcrafted, used items, pets/animals and anything else related to living the country lifestyle. Beginning with the first sale on September 15, 2015, and hosting just 15 vendors, we used the first sale as a learning experience to draw on in the future. After our initial sale, we began to expand rapidly with our next sales featuring 42, 82 and 120 vendors respectively.
Over this time, we looked at ways of making the sale interesting for all ages, something that could be a whole-family experience. We have grown and improved the amenities and facilities on the property and aimed to make travel easier both in getting to and navigating the yard. We continue using these experiences to make further improvements to the structure and dynamics of the sale and are excited to continue learning, serving and meeting new people!
When COVID shut down all trade shows in 2020, we made the decision to open a retail location in Warman SK. Everything Country Mini Market opened in Warman, on November 1, 2020 and ran until closing March, 2023. Now as ECOM sales resume, we are proud to continue featuring a number of local makers in our yearly Christmas pop-up shop at the Centre Mall in Saskatoon and through select online sales. Visit our Facebook page to see current store operations and hours.
We are incredibly grateful to the amazing vendors and huge shopper support that have made ECOM and the Mini Market such successes. Whether you are a vendor or shopper, we thank you for your part in this story and look forward to meeting new people as our story continues to unfold.
Our farm is located 5 km south of Hague, 40 km north of Saskatoon. Signs directing traffic are posted along highway 11 the morning of each sale beginning at the south entrance to Hague and the north entrance to Neuanlage.

Fall 2022 sale

Fall 2022 sale

Breakfast and Concessions
Designated smoking areas

accessible parking

trash and recycling

no pets

"Your event was wonderful! It was well organized, affordable for vendors, and there was something for everyone. The food was fabulous and we had a great time"
E. B.

"Our setup had very positive feedback and we had a great time. Loved the layout and food. Bathrooms were nice to see. Wasn't expecting that"
T. S.

"I had a great time at the event. I loved the energy and the feel of the event. It was very serene and beautiful. Great job!"
L. B.